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Debit Card Application

This form is for existing Stanbic Bank Zimbabwe customers only!

Not a customer? Click here to open an account with us:

Customer Information

Invalid Input
Ooops, You captured a Wrong ID Number! Try Again. Re-check that the format (eg: 12-345678X90) you entered is correct.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you opened your account with
Invalid Input
Please let us know your name.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid email
Numbers only. Exclude international code. Up to ten (10) digits are accepted.
Invalid Input

A - New Cardholder

Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input

B - Linking of Accounts

Please link the undermentioned account(s) to which I am entitled to use on my Debit Card

Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you would like your account to be associated with.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you would like your account to be associated with.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you would like your account to be associated with.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you would like your account to be associated with.

C - Delinking of accounts

Please delink the undermentioned account(s) from my Debit card I am entitled to use

Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you would like your account to be associated with.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you would like your account to be associated with.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you would like your account to be associated with.
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Select the branch you would like your account to be associated with.

D - Replacement

Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input
Invalid Input

E - Signature and Terms

You must agree to the Terms & Conditions in order to submit this form.
Invalid Input

Please ensure your account is funded before submitting your application!

Indicate Your ID Type:
Zim National ID (format: 12345678X90):
Date of Birth:
Passport Number (foreign nationals only):
Branch Where Your Account is Held:
Account Number With Us:
Full Name:
Mother's Maiden Name:
Telephone Number (home/mobile):
What Would You Like to Do?:

A - New Cardholder

I hereby apply for the following::

B - Linking of Accounts

Name of account holder:
Account number:
Branch code:
Name of account holder:
Account number:
Branch code:
Name of account holder:
Account number:
Branch code:
Name of account holder:
Account number:
Branch code:

C - Delinking of accounts

Name of account holder:
Account number:
Branch code:
Name of account holder:
Account number:
Branch code:
Name of account holder:
Account number:
Branch code:
Name of account holder:
Account number:
Branch code:

D - Replacement

Replacement required:
My card issue:



Invalid Input